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    CBX-I is profiled among prominent Life Insurance Illustration Systems in Celent’s Global edition (EMEA, APAC & LATAM) report titled, “Life Insurance Illustration Systems: Global Edition – 2020 Vendor Spectrum”. CBX-I is being positioned for life carriers in the APAC market.

    Celent States: Intellect’s Distribution and Service Suite (DSS) aka Contextual Business Experience-Insurance (CBX-I) comprises seven cloud-native modules. The insurance and wealth-specific modules span Lead Management, Financial Needs Analysis, Quote & Illustration, e-Application, Profile Management, Customer Servicing, and Product Configuration. The Quote & Illustration module targets products with basic solves out-of-the-box. More complex solves are generally customised per client requirements. The technical architecture is multilayer SOA architecture with prebuilt adapters/ connectors to source data from carrier internal systems and external partners (including unstructured data). The solution architecture is designed to provide flexibility and scalability, and works as an integrated platform for collaboration between all the entities in the product lifecycle.