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    We are proud to say that we were the Gold Sponsor at the Malaysian Wealth Management Forum 2019 which was held at The Hilton, Kuala Lumpur on July 4th, 2019. We presented powerful insights into the current landscape of the Wealth Market and our ‘RM-First’ design approach.

    Recognising the importance of relationship managers in wealth management, Anand Rai from Intellect presented ‘RM Office – 2020 Advantage‘ at the forum, which covered:

    • Opportunity to increase RMs productivity by 20%
    • Opportunity to reduce operational cost by 20%
    • Let your system take care of compliance – 3D Compliance
    • Leveraging Digital – Enhanced Outreach and contextualized experience
    • Actionable insights to direct the destiny of the business

    The Intellect RM Office empowers advisors in carrying out effective conversations with clients and helps them make informed decisions. The effective conversation and informed decisions are enabled through actionable insights generated by the robust analytics engine of ‘Intellect RM Office’.


    Anand Rai 
    Senior Manager, iWealth

    Anand has over 10 years of experience in the business of Wealth Management and in designing of wealth management products. He has worked as a Consultant with large regional and global banks. His area of expertise includes financial planning, performance analytics and trading systems. Currently he is actively engaged in designing systems which increase productivity in the Front Office specifically that of Relationship Managers and their supervisors.