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    Reimagining Wealth Management

    10th Annual Hubbis Indonesia Wealth Management Forum 2022

    The Partner of choice to accelerate Digital Transformation

    Intellect Design Arena Ltd, a cloud-native, API-led microservices-based, multi-product FinTech company that is committed to take banking into the future by solving the business needs of tomorrow. Intellect is the preferred partner by some of the world’s leading financial and insurance institutions for accelerating their digital journeys.

    Intellect’s digital wealth suite – The Intellect Wealth Qube®

    Intellect’s digital wealth suite – the Intellect Wealth Qube® – is a state-of-the-art, BIAN compliant, API-led platform spanning front, mid and back offices. Wealth Qube® enables progressive digital wealth transformation with its advanced digital capabilities.

    • Empowering RMs with superiors tools
    • Nudges backed by deep data analytics – Enabling digital customer journeys
    • Composable and cloud native architecture enabling plug and play feature to meet the growing customer needs
    • Obsolescence protectionwith state-of-the-art wealth ecosystem
    • Off the shelf market ready product

    Given the dynamic and personalized nature of the wealth business the key technology thrust for Intellect Wealth has been to allow each institution to maintain its competitive them to compose their own solutions. The composable architecture is such that it allows banks to deliver hypercare with the ability to keep adding new products and services quickly.

    To know more about how Wealth Qube® can deliver superior results for you across functions do visit Wealth Qube®