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    First Principles Thinking

    Organising the Thinking Space: Through the Lens of First Principles

    Design Thinking has transformed from a core iterative process to a rule book for all our products and is at the core of our Design Center.

    Design Thinking’s effect on our offerings has inspired us to create this one-of-its-kind experience zone – 8012 FinTech Design Center. Design Thinking lies at the heart of the Design Center where the sparks of innovation and enterprise are ignited.

    The 8012 FinTech Design Center enables co-creation of products that go beyond the expectations of our customers. It is a lab that drives collaborative experiences by making the Design process intellectually stimulating.

    It allows us to:

    • Interrogate a problem
    • Challenge status quo
    • Design viable solutions
    • Demystify complexities
    • Create algorithms

    Our Workshops

    Our unique Design-focused workshops empower our Design leaders work closely with stakeholders from various customer banks to help co-create solutions of exceptional value. The workshops include the following activities among others:

    • A unique workshop for positive business transformation
    • Identify and leverage Patterns and Prototypes to drive efficiency across implementations
    • Innovative test walk-through demonstrating Intellect’s Promise
    • Encourage stakeholders to ask the right questions to solve problems using Design Thinking
    • Application of Design Thinking in designing a ‘Model Digital Bank’
    • Identify User Journeys to drive better User Experience

    Register for our workshop

    Learn the practical application of Design Thinking such as testing prototypes and driving user experience.

    All fields are mandatory


    Customers Speak

    The aim of 8012 FinTech Design Center is to add value to each business, and it’s an honour when customers find meaning in our Design Thinking philosophy and their experience at the Design Center.

    "The FT8012 Design Center is a novel concept that brings a disparate group of stakeholders from two organizations to ideate, share and build in-depth knowledge on a wide range of topics in a very informal but structured manner."

    Desmond Andrades

    Enterprise Architect, The World Bank

    When you talk about design, you have to open up your mind, and this center really facilitates that.

    Bhavin Doshi

    Manager-operations (VP), Arab Bank

    I was impressed by the deliberate care to create a journey and the power of simplicity that came across clearly.

    Alan Rees

    VP Network & Distribution, Rolls-Royce Power Systems

    I never expected that we would see such a perfect design. I think this is the Google of Asia

    Ayham Mahmmoudeh

    Tech Analyst, Arab Bank

    The 8012 FT Design Center is the culmination of over two decades of the company's singular focus on the banking and financial services vertical and stands testimony to collaborative design emerging as the next big game changer for financial technology and financial institutions.

    Daily Herald

    Our Legacy

    8012 FinTech is the World’s first & continues to be the only Design Center dedicated to financial technology

    Hosted 2600+ visitors across various walks of life from 34 countries

    Visited by 98 Top management leaders from 78 banks

    1200+ hours of co-creation with leading banks & financial institutions

    iTurmeric - MACH composable platform

    iTurmeric is a light weight JAVA based platform for composing MACH services. It is a low coding platform developed by Intellect Design Arena. The platform provides advanced and user-friendly SDK studio to design, develop and test composed user journeys

    The platform relieves non-technical developers from having to write code while still supporting professional developers by abstracting tedious plumbing and infrastructure tasks required in application integration. Working together, developers in the business and IT create, iterate, and release APIs and message driven business processes in quick time than it takes with traditional methods. This low-code application development enables production of a full range of integration patterns for disparate use cases. These integration patterns include publishing APIs, message listeners, message routers, transformations, rule based routing, message enhancements and complex orchestration.

    While iTurmeric provides features to develop integration applications of disparate types, we can also use the platform for UI and Reports development. The UI as well as reports developed on iTurmeric platform can be made available on desktops, tablets and mobiles seamlessly.

    can be used for development of

    • Data Design
    • Process Design
    • Rules Design
    • Events Design
    • API Design
    • UI Design

    iTurmeric allows enterprises to connect applications together quickly and easily, enabling them to exchange data. It enables easy integration of existing systems, regardless of dierent communication technologies that the applications use, including JMS, Restful, JDBC, HTTP, SFTP, FTP and more.

    The key advantage of iTurmeric is that it allows dierent applications to communicate with each other by acting as a transit system for carrying data between applications within the enterprise or across Internet.

    Key Features of iTurmeric

    Flow Design and Hosting – Enable new business flows on the fly, using sophisticated flow modeler. Host the flows on the light weight iTurmeric run time.

    API Management – Enable new business flows on the fly, using sophisticated flow modeler. Host the flows on the light weight iTurmeric run time ervice Mediation – Shield core applications and services from message formats and transport protocols

    Transport Services – Enable new business flows on the fly, using sophisticated flow modeler. Host the flows on the light weight iTurmeric run time.

    Messaging Services – Enable new business flows on the fly, using sophisticated flow modeler. Host the flows on the light weight iTurmeric run time.

    Know more about our products and solutions

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