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    Insurance companies walk a tightrope between being too aggressive or too conservative in their underwriting duties. If they are too aggressive, greater-than-expected claims could cut into company earnings; if they are too conservative, they will be out-priced by the competition and lose business. Insurance underwriting is big and complicated business. They use actuarial data to assess the risk, ensuring that the cost of the cover is proportionate to the risks faced by the individual concerned.

    Intellect Risk Analyst, AI based risk discovery and assessment software can help your underwriter with quick, effective and accurate risk predictions in minutes. Available as cloud software, Risk Analyst empowers you with relevant data by following a 5 step process.


    Risk Analyst searches information across 1800+ structured and unstructured data sources. The product comes with pre-built connectors that you can start using it immediately. It saves you time looking for information in multiple places and you don’t miss out any important data source.


    Risk Analyst aggregates data across multiple sources using our proprietary algorithms. You don’t have to work out, if the review you read on Glassdoor, the website, the tweet and the D&B information is all about the same business. This matching is not just across 1 or 2 sources but all 1800+ sources.


    Risk Analyst performs Natural Language Processing (NPL) and sentiment analysis to give you actionable insights on the data. You can create rules to see relevant alerts and customized scores to assess the business.


    Risk Analyst provides data in a powerful and easy to understand dashboard. You can drill-down to see the detailed information or just make use of the top level visualizations for quick decisions.


    Risk Analyst learns from feedback. We added a bit of Machine Learning so your Risk Analyst learns and grows with you. The more you teach the more Risk Analyst can help you with decisions.