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    Key Features of goMF:

    • Provides Portfolio Views of Mutual Fund Investments
    • Supports multiple types of Transactions – Purchase, Redemption, Systematic Investment Plan(SIP), Systematic Withdrawal Plan(SWP), Systematic Transfer Plan(STP) and Switch
    • Provides interfaces to Payment Gateways
    • Allows users to register complaints, provide feedback and post queries

    iRTM launched its Fund Distribution Android app called goMF , for Mutual Fund Utilities India Pvt. Ltd. (MFUI) serving its investors, distributors and Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs), on 7th June 2016. MF Utilities India Pvt. Ltd (MFUI) is the Mutual Fund Industry’s ‘Shared Services’ initiative formed by the Asset Management Companies (AMCs) registered under the aegis of AMFI (Association of Mutual Funds of India) and regulated by SEBI (The Securities and Exchange Board of India), which is the regulator for the securities market in India.

    Intellect’s Fund Distribution solution is an offering which comes under the capital markets solution suite, OneMARKETS, from the Risk, Treasury & Markets (iRTM) arm of Intellect. Intellect implemented its Fund Distribution solution at MFUI providing the institution with a national financial distribution infrastructure, using which investors, distributors and RIAs in the MF industry, can efficiently transact in multiple schemes across Mutual Funds. The Fund Distribution implementation at MFUI is termed as the MF Utility System (MFU). The MFU system acts as a middleware and simplifies the interaction process between stakeholders and intermediaries in the mutual fund space.

    goMF is a part of Digital Markets, which acts as an Omni Channel customer experience portal for OneMARKETS. The Digital Markets Portal (DMP) provides users with enhanced STP rates and improved digital access across all devices. It empowers decision makers with real-time views of positions across markets, currencies and asset classes. It enables clients to push notifications real-time and eliminate reliance on emails and physical reports. It is equipped with an app registry and an engine repository, which ensure compatibility with emerging future devices.